NadelGeek 62 Beitrag melden Geschrieben 30. November 2022 Hallo, falls das noch jemand lesen sollte: Wie kann ich mich aus dem Forum ganz abmelden oder könnt ihr bitte meinen Account komplett löschen? Hier passiert nichts Gutes mehr, wie mir scheint. Viele Grüße NadelGeek Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag Auf anderen Seiten teilen
Charlesquems 0 Beitrag melden Geschrieben 18. Januar 2023 Wedding photography has especially had a unique cornerstone in my wife's daily life. As a teenager you would search myself carrying a thirty-five millimeter film camera on me snapping photos of my childhood and family, and the luscious local color making up the wee port city off the north Carolina Bay where my mother and I went to elementary school. The pastime grew into a much admired skill which I grew with, perusing magazine portraiture and fashion photoshoots in the second half of young adulthood. Soon after, I began assimilating a successful marketing career where beautiful momentum and adventurous influences began to appear and show within my body of work. Today I will always be a full time exhibited and nominated Seattle Wedding affordable Photographer and can be found in all about Seattle and all of Washington. I am also a full time Seattle salon Photographer. Also take a look at my beloved website to discover some more about my love: southern wedding traditions Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag Auf anderen Seiten teilen