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Charlesquems    0

Portrait photography has always dedicated a exceptional cornerstone in my marriage my hobby life. Growing up  everyone could find me possessing a thirty-five mm huge camera in my hand taking keepsakes of my best buddies and plants, and the one of a kind scenes infiltrating the tiny port town off the Maryland ocean port where my relatives and I through elementary school and college. The thing my dad taught me scaled out into a loving art form which I enveloped, digesting magazine pictures and natural photoshoots in the latter part of my life.  not long afterwards, I initiated assimilating a demanding advertising career plan in which elegant momentum and life enhancing energy started to flower and shine out throughout my photography jobs. Now I will always be a full time exhibited and prize taking Seattle Headshot popular photographer and cover the entire United States as well as all of Washington. I am also a highly sought Washington state Commercial Photographer. Also look at my new website to discover more about me: wedding photographer Seattle

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