
Zapperlott Tragejacke

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Arkas    0

Hallo, ich suche die Anleitung von Zappelt für eine Tragejacke. Leider ist die online nicht mehr zu finden 😭 Hat die zufällig jemand? 


Liebe Grüße - Arkas 

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Charlesquems    0

special events photography has especially dedicated a remarkable place in my marriage MO. In elementary school  someone could locate myself holding a thirty five mm film camera in my hands snapping headshots of my best relatives and family, and the mesmerizing land making up the wee port city in the north Virginia ocean port where I went to grade school. The fun time blossomed of a dedicated art form that I grew with, consuming newspaper pictures and scenic photography in my 20's.  Soon after, I started drafting a highly sought marketing career plan in which beautiful notions and adventurous influences had already began to take root and be seen all around my wedding photo work. Now I am a full time exhibited and nominated Seattle Wedding Photographer and cover the complete United States as well as all of Oregon. I am also a sought out Washington state salon Photographer. If you get a chance have a look at my beloved website to learn more about my work: Seattle Wedding Photographer

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