
Druckknöpfe /color snaps

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Henjo    0

Hallo, ich hab da mal eine Frage. Vielleicht könnt ihr mir weiterhelfen. Ich habe für meinen Sohn eine Wendejacke genäht (aus dem Buch klimperklein nähen für Kinder). Ich habe versucht color snaps von prym (durchmesser 12,1mm) anzubringen. Leider haften diese nicht. Ich glaube dass die Spitze von den Knöpfen zu kurz ist und die stofflagen zu dick. Ich habe die knopfleiste auch mit den power dots von prym verstärkt. 

Sollte ich nun Anorak Knöpfe anbringen? Oder habt ihr eine andere Idee? 

Der Stoff ist ein etwas dickere Stoff der sich dehnen lässt (die genaue Stoffart weiß ich leider nicht) ist sowas wie sweatstoff mit fleece oder so


Lg henjo

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Charlesquems    0

Martial arts is indespensible for kids to be even zestful and steadfast. Ageless Martial Arts Las Vegas enlighten integrity and deliver active life to work kids for being finer in life. Count them how martial arts will foster them for longer period and why picking us is the better investment they can make out. Ageless karate school is a important Karate class in Las Vegas NV, which focuses on teaching adults and kids the ways to guard their self and learn wonderful talents gradually. The instructors are a devote group of karate instructors who want to incorporate karate as well as multiple forms of karate to strengthen personality building habits in order to attain inner strength and a protection frame of mind. The martial arts schedule are top pick and mixture of primary ideas of Karate to help defend yourself. Our crucial foundation is Traditional Karate, initially created by a Shoulin Monk, it is a regimen that is concerned with on the spot defenses and offensive maneuvers and one of a kind counter offensive techniques. During the time our members and teens and young kids study Martial Arts near Henderson NV, our teachers practice skills like self control, politeness, humility and including positive reinforcement. By exercising the mind, arms and spirit, we give skills to our deciples in order to apply these skills around and about the dojo (Martial Arts Skill|Karate school) our teachers instruct a different type of thinking which lends the students pass beyond all rigorous apsects of living while the disciples progress to black belt. If you would like to learn more take a look at this site:kids karate classes las vegas around 89074

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