
Umfrage: Sew along Monat März

Was möchtet ihr im März gemeinsam nähen?   

22 Stimmen

  1. 1. Stimmt ab, was im März auf dem Plan stehen sollen.

    • Strickmantel "Basic" http://www.ki-ba-doo.eu/epages/63573220.sf/de_DE/?ObjectID=52641186
    • Top "Yumi" http://www.ki-ba-doo.eu/epages/63573220.sf/de_DE/?ObjectID=34168769
    • Haremshose "Haremsbux" http://nima-creative.blogspot.de/2014/06/ratz-fatz-haremsbux-und-ballonrock-for.html?m=1
    • Tasche "Milow" https://www.sewunity.de/schnittmuster/8196-umhaengetasche-milow
    • Rock "Röckli" http://schnabelina.blogspot.de/2013/07/rockli-ebook-online.html
    • Rock "Linda" https://www.pattydoo.de/schnittmuster/stufenrock-linda
    • Hüfttasche "Schnabelina Hip bag" http://schnabelina.blogspot.de/2014/10/freebook-schnabelinahipbag-online.html
    • Tasche "Schnabelina bag" http://schnabelina.blogspot.de/2013/10/ebook-schnabelinabag-online.html
    • Rock "Bella" http://www.lillestoff.com/schnittmuster/freebook.html
    • Rock "Teller" https://www.leni-pepunkt.de/freebook-teller-rock-und-der-fruehling-kann-kommen/

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Sybille Dreyer    934
Sybille Dreyer

Ist schon eine Entscheidung gefallen? Ich bin so neugierig.

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Charlesquems    0

Wedding photography has forever assumed a unique facet in my hobbies. As a kid  you could discover me in hand with a thirty five milimeter Cannon camera in my hand snapping pictures of my best childhood and a few weddings, and the beautiful local color infiltrating the tiny coastal city in the Maryland port where my sister and I went to elementary school. This pastime blossomed laterally into a fine skill of a master which I enveloped, perusing journal pictures, paintings and clothing photoshoots in my 20's.  not long afterwards, I instigated drafting a very intricate photography life plan filled with contrasting influences and adventurous vibes had already began to become apparent and become visible throughout my photography jobs. Now I am a always exhibited and nominated Seattle Wedding popular photographer and cover the complete United States and all of North Carolina. I am also a top rated Seattle WA television Photographer. Tell your friends to look at my new site to learn some more about my love: Richmond Wedding Photographer

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