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Koelschemaedcher    42

Ich habe mich an einem Wickelkleid für eine liebe Freundin versucht. Schnitt ist von kibadoo. Da muss man mit den Fertigmassen etwas aufpassen, weil sie m.E. etwas kleiner sind als normale Konfektion. Ansonsten klappt es prima und der Pusteblumenstoff sieht verarbeitet richtig süß aus. Den habe ich bei Stoffe.de gefunden.



Wickelkleid für Nuran_Collage.jpg

  • Gefällt mir. 6

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Luzie    865


Das ist aber sehr hübsch geworden, da wird sich Deine Freundin aber freuen. 

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Charlesquems    0

Wedding photography has always assumed a wonderful position in my marriage MO. As a youngster  you could discover me in hand with a thirty-five millimeter professional camera in my hand snapping momentos of my relatives and family gatherings, and the one of a kind scenery within the smallish seaport locale in the northern Virginia coastal town where my sister and I matured. This thing my childhood friend taught me grew with time laterally into a much admired long sought skill that I enveloped, consuming newspaper portraiture and fashion photoshoots in the latter part of my education.  not long afterwards, I initiated drafting a busy advertising career strategy where contrasting notions and adventurous energy started to take root and become visible all around my wedding photo work. For the foreseeable future I am a full time in demand and award winning Seattle Washington Headshot affordable Photographer and am employed the entire the USA as well as all of Washington. I am also a part-time Seattle business Photographer. If you get a chance take a trip to my precious website to discover some more about my love: Tudor Place Wedding

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