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luzu    360

Sehr schön! Sieht klasse aus!

Hat das lange gedauert? Ich habe damit auch schon mal geliebäugelt.

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Liladu    145

Mit welchen bzw was für Farben hast du das gemacht? Lackfarbe, Acrylfarbe...?

Sieht wirkungsvoll und stilvoll, aber nicht aufdringlich aus:)

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Wombat    195

Ich habe es nach der Anleitung von Buttinette gemacht.

Erst gegipst mit Gipsbinden, dann Acryl Farbe dann mit Anlegemilch  bestrichen und zum Schluß mit Blattgold Blättchen belegt.

Aber das mit dem Blattgold ist nein kniffelige Angelegenheit.

Viel Spaß dabei.

Bastelanleitung: Gipsschalen und -sterne mit Blattgold

  • Danke 1

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Charlesquems    0

Martial arts has great deal of importance for all age categories to last energetic and pointed. Ageless Martial Arts Las Vegas institute sheds light on moral codes and practices practical knowledge to modify kids for always growing and progressing in life. Say to them how martial arts will serve them for longer duration and why preferring us is the right investment they can do. My martial arts class is a new martial arts center in vegas, which focuses on instructing adults and children how to defend their self and learn amazing life skills along the way. The instructors are a compassionate group of karate instructors who desire to use martial arts and different forms of karate to strengthen character creation exercises so they can attain inner strength and a master frame of mind. My martial arts class are top pick and blend of primary ideas of AMA to assist in defending ones self. The crucial corner stone is Karate, originally founded by a Karate master, it is an art which is concerned with situational personal defense and attacks as well as one of a kind proactive defense skill sets. As our members and teens and grades k through 5 study traditional karate classes near Paradise Nevada, the staff and students incorporate ideas like discipline, politeness, respect as well as many affirmative personal development. By testing the legs, body and energy field, our instructors give skills to the students in order to use these skills outside and inside the classroom (Martial Arts Skill|Karate school) we train a very important class of existance that helps the students get above the rigorous phases of of being human as the disciples develop to master of martial arts. If you would like to find out more take a look at my site:martial arts competition in las vegas next weekend by Henderson

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