
Ein Hoody - mein erster...

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ConnyW.    7

... und er gefällt. Für meinen Stiefsohn habe ich zum Geburtstag einen Hoody genäht. Entschieden habe ich mich für den Freestyle Hoody von Pattydoo. Mit hat die Teilung so gut gefallen. Die Beschreibung ist wirklich gut. Und die Passform allemal. Was soll ich sagen? Ich bin zufrieden und habe sogar die Herausforderung, Ösen anzubringen, gemeistert. Eine habe ich zunächst auf einem Rest des Stoffes eingeschlagen... ich wollte ja nicht zu guter Letzt mein Werk ruinieren. Mein Mann möchte nun auch einen. Gibst es ein schöneres Kompliment? 😊IMG_2621.JPG



  • Gefällt mir. 6

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Handwerks-Produkt    74

Wow, der ist klasse! Ich liebe die Farbkombi. Da ziehe ich meinen Hut, ans Klamotten nähen habe ich mich noch nie getraut :/ 

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Micalla    8

Der gefällt mir sehr gut.
Irgendwann muss ich echt mehr nähen und mir auch was zutrauen

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Charlesquems    0

Martial arts particularly valuable for all the ages to be lively and attentive. Ageless Martial Arts institute enlighten moral sense and practices active life skills to sway kids for doing better in life. Explain them how martial arts will benefit them for longer period and why choosing us is the wise investment they can make. Our karate school is a important self defense school in Las Vegas NV, which is about teaching adults and children a way to guard their self and learn excellent life skills gradually. We are a devote group of karate masters who want to incorporate karate and many forms of defense to develop character creation habits in order to develop self-reliance and a defense frame of mind. My martial arts class is top pick and blend of primary ideas of AMA to help protect yourself. Our main corner stone is Karate, initially started by Karate Masters, it is an art which is concerned with on the spot personal defense and attacks and specialized counter offensive skills. As the members and young adults and grades k through 5 enroll in Martial Arts in Paradise Nevada, the staff incorporate skills including discipline, politeness, respect as well as many affirmative personal development. While exercising the legs, arms and energy field, our teachers give skills to our young in order to apply these skills around and inside the classroom (Martial Arts Skill|Karate school) we lend a very important class of being that fosters the students pass above the difficult parts of of being human while the students develop to black belt. If you would like to learn more have a look at this new website:las vegas karate tournament 2018 in 89183

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