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luzu    360

Ich speichere die Fotos vom Handy bei Google in "Fotos" und zur Sicherung auch die Fotos vom PC. So kann ich von allen Geräten über Google auf alle Fotos zugreifen. Wäre das vielleicht was für dich?


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Sybille Dreyer    934
Sybille Dreyer

Muss ich mal schauen, danke. Handy zurücksetzen ist vermutlich unumgänglich, aber erst am WE.

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Jaqueline    1

Ich habe diese süßen Eierwärmer genäht und auch ein Video gedreht, falls es jemand nachmachen will :)


  • Gefällt mir. 1

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Charlesquems    0

Martial arts is
indespensible for
children to carry on being
efficient and
Ageless Martial Arts
show moral sense and
illustrates active living to
sway kids for exceeding in life.
Let them know how martial arts will
benefit them for
longer run and why electing us is the right investment they can complete.
Ageless karate school is a traditional Karate center in Henderson Nevada, which focuses on instructing adults and kids a way to defend their self and learn wonderful talents throughout the class. The instructors are a
devoted collection of karate teachers who want to incorporate karate and many forms of defense to strengthen character creation habits in order to develop self-reliance and a professional frame of mind.

The martial arts curriculum is unique set of most important skill set of martial arts to assist in defending others and yourself.
Our important foundation is AMA Karate, originally started by Karate Masters, it is a regimen that focuses on timed personal defense and offensive maneuvers as well as special proactive defense methods. As our students and young adults and grades k through 5 enroll in Karate in Las Vegas, our teachers infuse concepts including self control, politeness, humility as well as several affirmative personal development. By exercising the legs, arms and energy field, our teachers teach the young in order to apply these skills around and inside the dojo (Martial Arts Skill|Karate school) our teachers instruct a different class of thinking that lends the students get above many difficult apsects of life while they progress to a karate master. If you needs to find out more have a look at this website:martial arts school insurance las vegas nevada around 89139

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